Miss Denney’s Virtual Library

Welcome to my virtual library! My name is Shay Denney. I’m a preservice teacher with a mad love of words in any format. Here is where I plan to store all of my favorite books for a variety of levels. 

Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes

— feeling amazing
Chrysanthemum - Kevin Henkes

Thirteen letters make up Chrysanthemum’s name, and her bravery is just as extraordinary! Henkes’ tale follows Chrysanthemum as she grows up with confidence, only to have it broken when she encounters teasing at school. This is a wonderful story for Kindergarten through 2nd grade, Scholastic labeling it an “M” on their guided reading scale. Not only is it great for character education, but there is also a great opportunity to integrate a math lesson by numbering off the amount of letters in students’ names!