Miss Denney’s Virtual Library

Welcome to my virtual library! My name is Shay Denney. I’m a preservice teacher with a mad love of words in any format. Here is where I plan to store all of my favorite books for a variety of levels. 

Sophie’s Masterpiece by Eileen Spinelli

— feeling shocked
Sophie's Masterpiece: A Spider's Tale - Eileen Spinelli, Jane Dyer

Spinelli’s Sophie’s Masterpiece is a work of compassion, though it might spark a bit of hesitation from only the cover, given that the protagonist (Sophie) is a spider. This book is great for character education as well as setting the tone of a safe space in the classroom, as it promotes kindness, acceptance, and not to judge a book by its cover. The guided reading level, according to Scholastic, is “L” and is best for grades from Kindergarten to 2nd.